Here’s What CapitaLand Is Doing to Enhance Safety Measures in Malls
In preparation for Singapore’s Phase 1 safe reopening, CapitaLand will be rolling out innovative tech solutions as part of stepping up precautionary measures at its shopping malls to ensure the safety and well-being of shoppers, tenants and employees.
Anti-Microbial Coating for High Contact Areas
In June 2020, high contact areas in all CapitaLand malls including lifts and lift buttons, door entrance buttons, handrails, touch screens, toilet cubicles and basins, family rooms and customer service counters will progressively be coated with an anti-microbial disinfectant. Using a technology researched and developed in Singapore, treated surfaces can guard against bacteria and virus for up to six months, compared with general cleaning and disinfection which is effective only at the point of application. Complementing the anti-microbial coating, CapitaLand will continue to clean and disinfect all high contact touch points at stepped up frequency of once every two to three hours.
Disinfection Floormats
A first for Singapore malls, CapitaLand will introduce disinfection floormats at its malls from June 2020. Disinfection solution will be poured over the floormats, allowing shoppers’ soles to be cleaned when they step on the floormats. Thereafter, shoppers can dry their soles by stepping onto a runner mat. The floormats will be placed at key entrances and they will be changed out and cleaned twice daily.
UV Disinfection Robots
CapitaLand will deploy autonomous UV disinfection robots after mall operating hours to conduct daily disinfection of high shopper traffic floors. In June 2020, the robots will be introduced at the basement floors and level one of Tampines Mall and Bukit Panjang Plaza, two high traffic malls identified by the authorities. They will be progressively rolled out at other CapitaLand malls. The robots will complement daily disinfection routines carried out by cleaning crews.
Lift Car Disinfection With PhotoPlasma Technology
All lift cars in CapitaLand malls will be installed with PhotoPlasma air disinfection system from June 2020 onwards. This technology will energise atmospheric air into a plasma state, in turn eliminating air-borne and surface microorganisms such as virus and bacteria. The PhotoPlasma air disinfection system in lift cars will be complemented by anti-microbial coating and general cleaning procedures to disinfect lift surfaces.
Automatic Escalator Handrail Disinfection and Contactless Lift Activation at The Atrium@Orchard
The Atrium@Orchard will be the first mall in Singapore to trial the automated escalator handrail disinfection and contactless lift activation system. With an Ultra UV device installed in the escalator system, handrails will be efficiently disinfected when the escalator is in use. These devices will be built into two high traffic escalators, ensuring that tenants and shoppers are not exposed to UV light. Two lifts at The Atrium@Orchard will also be fitted with a QR code registration device, allowing tenants and shoppers to scan a QR code and activate the lifts without contact with lift buttons.
Temperature Screening, Contact Tracing and Safe Distancing
In line with guidance from the authorities, temperature screening of all visitors and employees at the point of entry will continue at CapitaLand malls. Contact tracing using SafeEntry NRIC and SafeEntry QR will also apply. Mask wearing in the malls is compulsory.
To facilitate safe distancing, CapitaLand malls have put up signs and queue markers. Service ambassadors from CapitaLand’s security and retail management teams are on hand to break up any crowd that may gather. Special dine-in areas that fulfil safe distancing requirements have been set up specifically for frontliners who work in CapitaLand malls, so that they can take their meals in comfort.
Distribution of Face Shields to Frontline Staff
As part of Temasek Foundation’s Stay Prepared initiative, frontliners working in CapitaLand malls including centre management staff, tenant employees, vendors and contractors will each receive two complimentary face shields. CapitaLand will distribute over 47,000 face shields to recipients across its malls from the first week of June 2020.
Bringing Community Experiences from offline to online
Building on the success of the Group’s community engagement events, CapitaLand has also launched an online community page to bring well-loved events from its malls into the homes of shoppers. From virtual yoga sessions to learning new recipes, shoppers can sign up for upcoming community events or watch videos of previous sessions online.