The Top Places To Scuba Dive With Sharks
14th July marks Shark Awareness Day, an annual celebration dedicated to these fearless creatures and the vital roles that they play in shaping the marine ecosystem. Contrary to popular belief, sharks are relatively tame and diving with them doesn’t require an act of derring-do. In fact, even if you do not possess a diving certificate, shark diving should be on everyone’s bucket list in terms of experiences you must do once in your life. Get your gear ready, because here are the best places around the world to swim with sharks.
Gansbaai, South Africa
Source: Gansbaaiinfo
Portrayed as the apex predator in acclaimed films such as Jaws, Great white sharks are notoriously known for the highest number of attacks on humans and their gargantuan size of up to 20 ft long. Located 2 hours away from Cape Town, the Gansbaai waters are heavily infested with these mighty creatures and inhabitant Cape fur seals colonies that serve as preys in the neighbouring island. Guests who embark on this epic excursion can expect hours of utmost excitement, with up to 15 shark encounters and plenty of photo opportunities for both cage divers and witnesses on board.
Tiger Beach, Bahamas
If the idea of shark cage diving isn’t terrifying to you, how about going in cageless instead? If you’re up for that kind of adrenaline rush, head over to the Tiger Beach, which boasts pristine blue waters and warm sunny temperatures all year round. Arguably one of the best and most popular diving destinations in the world, witness Reef sharks, Hammer sharks, Lemon sharks, Bull sharks, Nurse sharks and larger-than-life, man-eating Tiger sharks lurk aimlessly in the thermal waters at an unbelievably close distance from you.
Neptune Islands, Australia
Tired of hovering in a cage just beneath the water surface? The Neptune Islands in South Australia offers a new terrifying twist that guarantees to make your heart palpitate. Consisting of 4 islands, Neptune Islands is the only place in the world that brings divers all the way down to the seabed, located 60 to 80 feet underwater. Those who are brave enough will get the rare opportunity of having face-to-face interactions with the Great white sharks alongside a variety of other incredible marine life in a deep-sea setting.
Malapascua Island, Philippines
Nestled in the middle of the Coral Triangle stands the idyllic island of Malapascua, home to the world-famous thresher sharks and some of Philippines best-kept beaches. Unlike most places, the chances of spotting these long-tailed thresher sharks are incredibly high as a large number of them swim from the deep waters during the wee hours of the morning. From the cleaning stations of Monad Shoals to the Gato Island, Malapascua offers fantastic diving spots and exclusive big fish encounters with Giant Manta Rays, Hammerhead sharks, Devil rays, Marble rays and even whale sharks if you’re lucky.
Beqa Island, Fiji
Source: Beqa Lagoon Resort
Established as “The Best Shark Dive in the World” by shark experts, Ron and Valerie Taylor, the Beqa Island has since been a popular spot for world-class divers and is a regular fixture for underwater documentaries. This Reef Marine Reserve is a preservative territory for underwater ecosystems, and one can expect spectacular sights of coral reefs and various shark species ranging from incredibly tame Nurse sharks to Tiger sharks.